Iron Thread
Skill: Light Melee+1d10Damage: Muscle
Range: 30 feet
Though iron thread deals slightly-below-average damage, it has an amazing passive effect: it imposes -1d10 against all counter attempts. It can also be used to initiate Restrains from a distance, but the core rulebook already contains a technique that covers that, so I'm more interested in what other webs these can weave.
I've chosen to present the techniques in level order rather than alphabetically so you get a sense for how skill with the weapon progresses. Without further ado:
Distracting Crane Rake
Discipline: Dianxue
Skill: Light Melee against Evade
Type: Normal
Qi: 1
You painfully slice your target with iron threads, making them slower to act.
Roll Light Melee against the Evade of a single target. On a Success, he takes normal damage, and additionally goes one turn later in initiative for each Wound he suffered from the attack.
Each combatant only gets one turn per round, so someone who went before you that now goes after you does not get a second turn the round you use this attack.
Cathartic: On a Cathartic use you deal 1 Extra Wound.
Ankle Torture
Discipline: Dianxue
Skill: Light Melee against Evade
Type: Normal
Qi: 2
You twirl your iron threads around your enemy's ankles, cutting them agonizingly.
Roll Light Melee against the Evade of a single target. On a Success, she takes normal damage, and additionally loses 5 feet per Rank of Dianxue to her movement distance for 1 round per Rank of Dianxue. This technique does not stack with itself.
Cathartic: Cathartically the movement loss is doubled to 10 feet per Rank of Dianxue.
Web of Lies
Discipline: Dianxue
Skill: Light Melee against Evade
Type: Stance
Qi: 4
You set up your iron threads around a room like a spider web, bringing those who enter into your trap. This technique must be used Cathartically.
Cathartic: As long as you are in this Stance, whenever someone within 30 feet speaks, you may roll Light Melee against her Parry. On a Success you deal 1 automatic Wound.
Philosophical Crane's Pull
Discipline: Dianxue
Skill: Light Melee against Evade
Type: Counter
Qi: 5
This technique can only be used when the initiative comes to a character whose turn has already passed this round, and it can only target that person.
You punish him for ever existing, tearing your iron threads through his limbs excruciatingly.
Roll Light Melee against the Evade of a single target. On a Success, he takes Open Damage plus 4 Extra Wounds.
Cathartic: On a Cathartic use you subtract your Ranks in Dianxue from your victim's Hardiness for the purpose of determining damage on this attack.
Scarlet Razor
Discipline: Dianxue
Skill: Light Melee against Parry
Type: Normal
Qi: 6
You cut your iron thread deep into a vital organ, causing profuse bleeding.
Roll Light Melee against the Parry of everyone you choose within 30 feet. Those struck take 1 automatic Wound and lose 1 Hardiness, and continue taking another automatic Wound and losing another Hardiness at the start of each of your turns.
As long as a victim spends her full turn meditating, she can roll Meditation against TN 5 + Dianxue to avoid the effects that turn. The bleeding can be stopped for good by taking an action to make a Medicine roll against TN 5 + Dianxue. The lost Hardiness recovers at a rate of 1 per hour.
Cathartic: In addition to above, the Cathartic initial attack also deals normal weapon damage, then again with -1d10 on each subsequent turn, like Fire Damage.
Strings of Fate
Skill: Light Melee-1d10 against Parry
Type: Normal
Qi: 7
You wrap your iron thread around your target’s heart, dictating where it leads him.
Roll Light Melee-1d10 against one target’s Parry. On a Success, your iron thread wraps around his heart. Until the iron thread is removed, you always know where this person is, and each day you may decide his direction of travel. If he resists he takes 5d10 Open Damage. The iron thread can be removed with a TN10 Medicine roll, but failed attempts deal 3 automatic Wounds and drain 3 Hardiness for a week.
This does not work on anyone whose Qi ranks exceed your own.
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