Emerald Expansion 5 - Three Section Staves

Three Section Staff
Skill: Medium Melee-1d10
Damage: Muscle
Range: 10ft Reach

With an accuracy penalty and no damage boost, the three section staff is from a numbers standpoint one of the weaker weapon options. It does give the odd +1 Parry, and has the interesting passive that whenever you score a Total Success to hit you have the option to Restrain. I thought it might be fun to explore the different scenarios of Restraining when you have reach, as well as unleashing the full potential of the ability to break down the staff.

I've chosen to present the techniques in level order rather than alphabetically so you get a sense for how skill with the weapon progresses. Without further ado:

Lift of the Phantom Raider
Discipline: Qinggong
Skill: Medium Melee against Parry
Type: Normal
Qi: 1

You spin the sections of your staff away from one another to gather momentum for a quick, unpredictable strike.

Roll Medium Melee against Parry. On a Success, deal normal damage. Attempts to counter this technique by manipulating your staff, such as Weapon Stride or Clutch of the Hawk, take a -1d10 penalty.

Cathartic: On a Cathartic use the TN to counter this technique by manipulating your staff, such as Weapon Stride or Clutch of the Hawk, is raised by your Qinggong, up to a maximum of 10.

Thrust of the Aged Assassin
Discipline: Waijia
Skill: Medium Melee against Parry
Type: Normal
Qi: 2

You hold one end of your three-section staff as you quickly toss forward the other end, thrusting it into the chest of a distant foe.

Roll Medium Melee against the Parry of one target up to 5 feet plus 5 feet per Rank of Waijia away from you. On a Success, deal normal damage.

Cathartic: On a Cathartic use you deal 2 Extra Wounds.

Three-Section Beating
Discipline: Waijia
Skill: Medium Melee against Parry
Type: Normal
Qi: 3

You break down your three-section staff into its three sections, smashing your foe with each one in turn.

Roll Medium Melee against the Parry of one target. On a Success, make three separate normal weapon damage rolls against him.

Cathartic: On a Cathartic use you Restrain your victim if any of your three damage rolls score a 9 or higher (normally this only happens on a 10).

Press of the Warrior
Discipline: Waijia
Skill: Medium Melee against Parry
Type: Normal
Qi: 4

You hold one end of your three-section staff in each hand, bending them away from the middle so that you can push away three foes.

Roll Medium Melee against the Parry of up to three targets within your reach. On a Success, they each take normal damage and are pushed 5 feet per Rank of Waijia away from you.

Cathartic: On a Cathartic use each foe takes 1 Extra Wound.

Sweep of the Badger
Discipline: Waijia
Skill: Medium Melee against Parry
Type: Normal
Qi: 5

You hold one end of your three-section staff as you maximally extend it and spin around in one sudden, violent motion that bashes everyone near you.

Roll Medium Melee against the Parry of everyone within 5 feet plus 5 feet per Rank of Waijia. On a Success, they each take normal damage plus 1 Extra Wound.

Cathartic: On a Cathartic use each foe takes 2 Extra Wounds instead of 1.

Iron Elbow
Discipline: Waijia
Skill: Medium Melee against Parry
Type: Normal
Qi: 6

You bring the three sections of your staff together, slamming them links-first into one foe's leg and shattering their bones.

Roll Medium Melee against Parry. On a Success you do normal damage and break their leg for 2 weeks. Treat broken limbs as Missing (like the Flaw), inflicting -2d10 to Speed and -1d10 to Ride, Leg Strike, Grapple, Throw and Athletics.

Cathartic: On a Cathartic use you do 2 Extra Wounds and the time it takes to heal is increased to 5 weeks.

Bite of the Snake King (Evil)
Skill: Medium Melee against Parry
Type: Normal
Qi: 7

You may use this technique on a spirit within 15 feet of you. If you do, make a Ritual roll against TN 8, and on a Success you trap it in your three-section staff. You may keep up to three spirits trapped this way. The staff's Parry bonus increases to 1 per spirit trapped inside of it.

The normal use of this technique is to throw your spirited staff at a victim, unleashing its wrath upon him. The staff attacks independently each round for as long as you will it, during which you may take other actions or Attacks. When the staff Attacks, it makes a single Medium Melee Roll to see if it hits one target's Parry, and if it does it makes a separate Damage roll for each spirit trapped within it. Each Damage roll independently does 1 Extra Wound per spirit, so a staff with three spirits does Muscle + 3 Extra Wounds, three times. The spirited staff can maintain Restrains, using a Parry of 3 per spirit and a Grapple of 1d10 per spirit.
